Andrew M

Course Taken - Montana 70-HR Salesperson Real Estate Pre-License

5 out of 5

Just took the 70-HR Salesperson Real Estate course with Jack the last week of January 2023 and passed the nation and state tests 2 days after the course on my first try. Definitely could not have done it without the amazing class. The class is challenging, and a time commitment, but well worth the effort. I strongly recommend it to any prospects considering the profession, especially if you are considering studying on your own. Take this class instead. Thanks Jack and team!

Connole – Morton’s Average Rating

4.99 out of 5 with 145 Reviews

Pass the Exam Guarantee

In the event that you do not pass the Pre-Licensing exam, you are welcome to repeat the class at no charge, for up to 6 months. (more info)