
Course Taken - Montana 70-HR Salesperson Real Estate Pre-License

5 out of 5

My future broker steered me to Connole-Morton and I am so glad she did! She said the course explained real-life situations far better than an online course. Out of the six brokers I contacted, one name kept coming back, CM. I had to wait until the opportune time to take the in person class, but waiting instead of just taking an online course was so worth it. The 3rd day of class as I watched Jack pulling another applicable story out of his prodigious bag of real life examples, I began to realize what a fantastic opportunity my class was being given. In this modern era of canned presentations, webinars, do it yourself tutorials, most of us have probably been through the boring old “it’s on me again” program. This class is much different. Jack engages the class from a “let me help you pass the test!” How refreshing is that to hear? Well, help me pass the test he did!

During the week, Jack gave God the highest honor when he called him the Landlord. He sure is! I went into the test as prayed up and studied up as going to every class, sitting up front and taking as good as notes as possible while still watching Jack’s busy e-pencil drawing away on his projected screen and paying attention to the priceless teaching could prepare me. Jack even coached us on taking the time it takes to familiarize ourselves with the testing software before diving in. How about that for engaging with students? Jack sits in the very seat we do quite often, testing and retesting, honing his knowledge of the most recently presented material so he can best teach his students.

May I please get a little flowery? Remember the movie Gladiator? At the beginning Maximus encourages his men and tells them to “Hold the line. Stay with me.” As a modern day Maximus who prepares and encourages his class for battle, Jack goes ahead before them and then tells others how to do the same.

By trusting and following his directions by taking a day of rest after the class, on Tuesday I was down at the Great Falls airport, sitting in the three person testing area, about ready to start taking the test. It felt a bit different than I had thought, but not that much. There was much more that was very familiar territory due to Jack’s painstaking teaching. I felt comfortable enough to get done with tons of time left, go back through all my answers, finding that I had hurried a bit, my nervous modus operandi when test taking, (even back to the 5th grade) and after rereading them to change them to accurately reflect the correct answer.

If you are still engaged with this tome and wondering if it the class is worth $4 to 500 more dollars than an online class, yes it is. You will take one class to get your career started.

Hold the line. Stay with me. (Jack, or CM)

(I think I would be doing you and Jack a disservice to not tell you that I passed both portions the first time!)

Thank you,

Locke Mellott

Connole – Morton’s Average Rating

4.99 out of 5 with 146 Reviews

Pass the Exam Guarantee

In the event that you do not pass the Pre-Licensing exam, you are welcome to repeat the class at no charge, for up to 6 months. (more info)