
Course Taken - Montana 70-HR Salesperson Real Estate Pre-License

5 out of 5

I am so thankful for the dedication and diligence Jack puts into this course to not only help us pass this first huge hurdle but to take the time to share real life experiences to help us understand. I know this is how he puts food on the table but for Jack to be motivated to help people like me, a 40 year old Mom of 3 trying to give her kids what they deserve and to be a role model for hard work and perseverance, his consideration for others above the rest and very much appreciated. From me and my family, we thank you all for your hard work and consideration of the families of Montana.

Connole – Morton’s Average Rating

4.99 out of 5 with 146 Reviews

Pass the Exam Guarantee

In the event that you do not pass the Pre-Licensing exam, you are welcome to repeat the class at no charge, for up to 6 months. (more info)